Effective Ways To Treat Underbite in Kids?

Ashok January 5, 2024
Estimated Reading Time 8 Minutes & 40 Seconds

An underbite can occur for many reasons, and as a parent, it is necessary to seek dental help for healthy oral health. Every parent wants their child’s smile to be beautiful and healthy.

But when an underbite disrupts the harmony, parents need to seek effective solutions. Understand what an underbite is and explore why and what can happen with underbite problems. Treatment options are the first step in ensuring you have good dental health and a radiant smile.

Let’s learn more about underbites in kids:

Signs of an Underbite in Kids

An underbite occurs when the lower jaw extends further than the upper jaw, causing the lower teeth to protrude beyond the upper teeth. This misalignment can be caused due to genetic factors, childhood habits like sucking thumb, or a combination of both.

Visible Jaw Misalignment: When your child closes their mouth, there is a clear misalignment of the upper and lower jaws, one of the main symptoms. It’s time to see a pediatric dentist if the lower front teeth protrude beyond the higher front teeth.

Difficulty Biting or Chewing: Children with underbites may struggle to bite or chew some meals. An underbite may be an issue if your child complains of discomfort or has trouble eating.

Speech Difficulties: Speech development may also be impacted by underbites. It’s wise to investigate whether an underbite is the root of your child’s speech difficulties or difficulties pronouncing specific consonants.

Therefore, addressing an underbite early in a child’s development can help prevent potential complications and reduce the severity of the case. Kids dentists usually suggest a multi-faceted treatment approach tailored to each child’s unique needs.

Orthodontic Solutions


Getting braces is one of the most effective methods to correct underbites in kids. However, by gradually adjusting the position of the teeth, braces help align the jaws over time. Modern braces are more comfortable and aesthetically attractive than ever because of braces’ different cute braces colors choices, making them a practical choice for teens.

Invisalign for Teens:

In some cases, where the underbite is not a big problem, Invisalign can be a great option to treat underbites. Especially for teens, it is a suitable alternative. These clear aligners offer a discreet and removable option that makes it easy to eat and drink. It gradually corrects the misalignment, providing flexibility for active lifestyles like in teens.

Surgical Intervention

There are cases when surgical intervention is needed. In more severe cases of underbites, especially in adolescents, it may be considered as an option to treat underbites. Orthognathic surgery helps to reposition the upper and lower jaws, restoring balance to the facial structure. While surgery is typically the last option.

Summing Up:

Early detection and intervention must be the cornerstones of success in treating an underbite in children. Not treating your child’s oral health can lead to other oral health complications. Whether opting for orthodontic solutions or surgical intervention, the goal is to guide your child toward a beautiful and healthy smile.

Consultation with a pediatric dentist or orthodontist will give you a guide to making your child’s oral health better. Your dentist will tell you that your child will need underbite braces or other suitable treatment plans for your child’s unique needs, ensuring they can face the world with confidence and a beaming smile. Talk to your adult orthodontist near me and book an appointment now.