What Is Tanzanite? Is Tanzanite Safe To Wear?

Ashok November 2, 2023
Estimated Reading Time 8 Minutes & 40 Seconds

The violet-to-blue-violet variant of the mineral zoisite is called Tanzanite. Only one place in the world, Tanzania’s Merelani Hills, where it gets its name, is commercially mined for it.

If necessary, you can wear tanzanite jewelry daily if you take the utmost precautions. Remember that this jewel has ideal cleavage, which denotes that it is prone to being chipped or destroyed if it sustains a decisive blow.

If we ask about the white topaz price, it depends on the natural color, carat, and clarity of the topaz are three factors that significantly affect its price.

Depending on how the cutter chooses to orient the fashioned gem, some stones may also appear more purple and red stones, typically associated with drive, the desire to move on and achieve your goals, and motivation.

 A fashioned stone can be gently shaken and turned to reveal both the violet and blue pleochroic colors.

Is it worth it to buy Tanzanite?

Due to its rarity and exclusivity, Tanzanite and Tanzanite jewelry are ideal investment choices. Tanzanite Gem has a specific niche that makes it particularly appealing for investment. One of the rarest jewels in the world, it can only be discovered in a small region called Merelani in Tanzania’s slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Here are some tips for buying a tanzanite:

  • colors: The beautiful color tone that Tanzanite possesses is its most coveted feature.
  • Clarity: The inclusion and impurities inside a gemstone are significant determinants of tanzanite value.

How can you tell if Tanzanite is natural?

Make sure to buy from a trustworthy jeweler you can trust before deciding to acquire a rare tanzanite. Here’s a guide to assist you in finding an established jeweler:

  • Do they have a good standing? Could you do your homework before purchasing a loose Tanzanite Stone or any other item from the jeweler’s store? You can study prior reviews of your neighborhood jeweler with the aid of Google.
  • Is the Tanzanite of high quality? Tanzanite International grading guidelines must grade each distinctive art or loose stone. Our exquisite jewelry designs only use the highest gem-quality tanzanite.

Benefits of tanzanite stone

A mineral zoisite is Tanzanite. Blue zoisite is another name for it. However, Tiffany & Co. Jewelers changed its name to Tanzanite. It is a calcium aluminum silicate stone and a part of the silicate family. It has a color range of violet-blue to deep blue.

Tanzanite aids in breaking old habits and assisting us in manifesting our abilities for the more significant benefit.

In addition to clearing away old patterns and assisting us in achieving our beautiful inner quiet, Tanzanite also prepares us to be receptive to our psychic powers by training our minds and hearts.

  • Physical healing
  • Emotional healing
  • Zodiac properties

Adverse effects of tanzanite stone

Lethargy may result from wearing Tanzanite for certain people, which makes sense given all the potentially life-altering insights you may receive. Tanzanite can trigger repressed sentiments, emotions, and memories that the user might be unprepared for due to the healing process.


A high-quality tanzanite can have a distinct, primarily violet tint or be violetish blue, similar to a good sapphire. Depending on how the cutter prides the fashioned gem, some stones may appear more purple. A fashioned rock can be gently shaken and turned to reveal both the violet and blue pleochroic colors.